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Diet programs And Meals - The Mono Diet

As you can tell from its name, the Mono Diet means eating only a single food. The most common varieties are the grape and the rice diet. The grape mono diet lasts for chanel sale one to three weeks. The rice mono diet lasts between three to ten days. These diets claim that they allow your digestive system to rest and also help detoxify your organism. Please make sure to see a doctor before starting any version of this diet. Here are some of the diet principles.

Before you start the grape mono diet, get your body ready. Four days prior to switching to grapes eliminate meat, fish, and eggs from your diet. On the following day stop eating dairy products. The next day say goodbye to grains. Then eliminate vegetables from your diet. Ideally eat organic grapes. Otherwise, soak the grapes in hot water to remove any toxic elements. Eat up to eight servings of grapes a day. Don't mix grape varieties. Don't eat more than seventeen pounds (eight kilograms ) of grapes each day. If you choose to follow the rice mono diet eat white, organic rice that is unpolished or semi-polished. You may season the rice, for example canada goose sale with a small amount of Tamari. Each as much rice and drink as much water as you desire for three to ten days. There are no preparatory steps for the rice mono diet. Other varieties of the mono diet include the apple diet, the tomato diet, and the cucumber diet.

Claimed advantages for the mono beats by dr.dre diet include feeling light and reducing or eliminating gastric problems. It is also said to clean the blood. Let me add one more, you don't have to worry about what to serve. Disadvantages include nutritional deficiencies and getting very tired of the given food. You won't learn how to put together a menu.